Engineering Supplementary Time Table of Sem I, III, V

Sem I

  1. All Branches(First Sem)


  1. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Engineering and Allied Branches(11995/11263/11925)
  2. Automation and Robotics Engineering (11916)
  3. Automobile Engineering (11602)
  4. Biomedical Engineering (11461)
  5. Chemical Engineering (11507)
  6. Civil and Environmental Engineering (11922)
  7. Civil & Infrastructure Engineering (11918)
  8. Civil Engineering (11191)
  9. Computer Engineering and Allied Branches(11245/11242/11913/11257/11911)
  10. Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering / Electronics and Communication Engineering (11372 / 11370)
  11. Electrical And Instrumentation Engineering (11575)
  12. Electrical Engineering and Allied Branches (11293/11297/11356/11298)
  13. Electronics and Communication Engineering (Sandwich) (11576)
  14. Electronics and Computer Engineering / Electronics and Computer Science Engineering (11844 /11900)
  15. Electronics Engineering (11376)
  16. Food Engineering and Technology/ Food Technology And Management (11534/11504)
  17. Food Technology (11503)
  18. Information Technology (11246)
  19. Instrumentation Engineering / Instrumentation and Control Engineering (11466 / 11464)
  20. Mechanical Engineering (11612)
  21. Mechatronics Engineering (11624)
  22. Mining Engineering (11701)
  23. Petrochemical Engineering (11527)
  24. Robotics (11994)
  25. Safety and Fire Engineering (11914)

Sem V

  1. Biomedical Engineering (11461)
  2. Chemical Engineering(11507)
  3. Civil Engineering(11191)
  4. Computer Engineering and Allied (11245/11242 / )
  5. Computer Science & Engineering & Allied Branches (11995/11925/11911/11913)
  6. Electrical and Allied Branches(11298/11297/11293)
  7. Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering (11575)
  8. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering/Electronics &Communication Engineering/Electronics Engineering
  9. Food Engineering and Technology (11534)
  10. Food Technology (11503)
  11. Information Technology (11246)
  12. Instrumentation Engineering (11466)
  13. Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Sandwich (11625/11612)
  14. Mining Engineering (11701)
  15. Petrochemical Engineering (11527)