Educational Qualification:
•B.E.(IT) (69.07%) Shivaji University, Kolhapur 1st Class with Dist.
•M. Tech. (CE) (8.9 CGPA) Dr. B.A.T.U., Lonere, 1st Class with Dist.
• Ph.D., Dr. B.A.T.U., Lonere. (8.5 CGPA)
Recent Courses:
UG –Deep Learning, Intelligent Systems, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Data warehousing, and Data Mining, Embedded Systems, Database Management Systems, Distributed Operating Systems, Advanced Database Technologies, Enterprise Resource Planning, Decision Support Systems, Web Technologies, Digital Image Processing.
PG-Data warehousing and Data Mining
Research Interests:
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Soft Computing, Biomedical Engineering, and Scientometrics.
- Recent Publications
- Kadam V. J., Jadhav Shivajirao M., K. Vijayakumar (2019), “Breast cancer Diagnosis Using Feature Ensemble Learning Based on Stacked Sparse Autoencoders and Softmax Regression,” Journal of Medical Systems Volume 43, Issue 8, Article number 263, ISSN: Print 0148-5598 Online 1573-689X, DOI: 10.1007/s10916-019-1397-z, Publisher: (Springer), Indexed in [SCI & Scopus]
- Kadam V. J., Jadhav Shivajirao M. (2019), “Optimal weighted feature vector and deep belief network for medical data classification,” International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, Volume 18, Issue 2, pages 2050006, ISSN: Print 0219-6913 online 1793-690X, DOI: 1142/S021969132050006X, Publisher: (World Scientific), Indexed in [SCI & Scopus]
- Williamson, S., Vijayakumar, K. & Kadam, V.J. Predicting breast cancer biopsy outcomes from BI-RADS findings using random forests with chi-square and MI features. Multimed Tools Appl (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-021-11114-5 Publisher: (Springer), Indexed in [SCI & Scopus]
- Vijayakumar K, Kadam VJ, Sharma SK. Breast cancer diagnosis using multiple activation deep neural network. Concurrent Engineering. June 2021. DOI: 10.1177/1063293X211025105 Publisher: (Sage), Indexed in [SCI & Scopus]
- Kadam V. J., Jadhav S. M. (2020), “Performance analysis of hyperparameter optimization methods for ensemble learning with small and medium-sized medical datasets,” Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, Volume 23, Issue 1, pages 115-123, ISSN: Print 0972-0529 Online 2169-0065, DOI: 10.1080/09720529.2020.1721871, Publisher: (Taylor & Francis), Indexed in: [ESCI & Scopus]
- Kadam, Vinod, Shivajirao Jadhav, Samir Yadav (2020), “Bagging based ensemble of support vector machines with improved elitist GA-SVM features selection for cardiac arrhythmia classification,” International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Volume 16, Issue 1, pages 25-33, ISSN: Print 1448-5869 Online 1875-8819, DOI: 10.3233/HIS-190276, Publisher: (IOS Press)
- Kadam V.J., Jadhav S.M. (2019) Feature Ensemble Learning Based on Sparse Autoencoders for Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease. Computing, Communication and Signal Processing. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 810. (Springer, Singapore)
- Kadam V.J., Yadav S.S., Jadhav S.M., Soft-Margin SVM Incorporating Feature Selection Using Improved Elitist GA for Arrhythmia Classification. Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 941. (Springer, Cham)
- Kadam V. J., Jadhav S. M. (2019), “Feature Ensemble Learning Based on Sparse Autoencoders for Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease,” In Iyer B., Nalbalwar S., Pathak N. (eds) Computing, Communication, and Signal Processing, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 810, pages 567-581, ISBN: Print 978-981-13-1512-1 Online 978-981-13-1513-8, Series ISSN: Print 2194-5357 Online 2194-5365, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-1513-58, Publisher: (Springer), Singapore, Indexed in: [Scopus]
- Kadam V. J., Yadav S. S., Jadhav S. M. (2020), “Soft-Margin SVM Incorporating Feature Selection Using Improved Elitist GA for arrhythmia Classification,” In Abraham A., Cherukuri A., Melin P., Gandhi N. (eds) Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. ISDA 2018, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 941, pages 965-976, ISBN: Print 978-3-030-16659-5 Online 978-3-030-16660-1, Series ISSN: Print 2194-5357 Online 2194-5365, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-16660-1_94, Publisher: (Springer), Cham, Indexed in: [Scopus]
- V. J. Kadam, S. M. Jadhav, A. A. Kurdukar and M. R. Shirsath, "Arrhythmia Classification using Feature Ensemble Learning based on Stacked Sparse Autoencoders with GA-SVM Guided Features," 2020 International Conference on Industry 4.0 Technology (I4Tech), Pune, India, 2020, pp. 94-99, DOI: 10.1109/I4Tech48345.2020.9102675, Publisher: (IEEE)
- Kadam V. J., Kurdukar A. A., Jadhav S. M. (2020), “An Expert Diagnosis System for Parkinson's Disease Using Bagging-Based Ensemble of Polynomial Kernel SVMs with Improved GA-SVM Features Selection,” In Bhalla S., Kwan P., Bedekar M., Phalnikar R., Sirsikar S. (eds) Proceeding of International Conference on Computational Science and Applications, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems, ISBN: Print 978-981-15-0789-2 Online 978-981-15-0790-8, Series ISSN: Print 2524-7565 Online 2524-7573, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-0790-8_23, Publisher: (Springer), Singapore.
- Vinod Kadam, Shivajirao Jadhav, Mahesh Shirsath, Atharv Kurdukar (2020),“Parkinson's disease prediction using a stacked generalization ensemble of kNN and its variants with mRMR feature selection,” S. D. Purohit et al. (eds),Proceedings of International Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems, Chapter no. 39, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-5077-5_39, Publisher: (Springer).
- Yadav S. S., Kadam V. J.,Jadhav S. M. (2020), “Comparative Analysis of Ensemble Classifier and Single Base Classifier in Medical Disease Diagnosis,” In: Bansal J., Gupta M., Sharma H., Agarwal B. (eds) Communication and Intelligent Systems. ICCIS 2019, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Volume 120, ISBN: Print 978-981-15-3324-2 Online 978-981-15-3325-9, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-3325-9_37, Publisher: (Springer), Singapore.
- Kadam Vinod, "Thematic Issue Intelligent Data Mining for Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery", Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications (Formerly: Recent Patents on Computer Science), Volume 13, Number 3, 2020, pp. 433-434(2), DOI: https://doi.org/10.2174/266625581303200609114251, Publisher: (Bentham Science Publishers)
- Yadav S., Kadam V., Jadhav S. (2021) Machine Learning Algorithms for the Diagnosis of Cardiac Arrhythmia in IoT Environment. In: Santosh K.C., Gawali B. (eds) Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. RTIP2R 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1381. Publisher: (Springer).
- S. S. Yadav, V. J. Kadam, S. M. Jadhav, S. Jagtap and P. R. Pathak, "Machine Learning based Malaria Prediction using Clinical Findings," 2021 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI), 2021, pp. 216-222, DOI: 10.1109/ESCI50559.2021.9396850, Publisher: (IEEE)
- Paper Published: • International Journals: -15 • International Conferences: - 25 • National Conferences: -05
- Recent Taught Courses: UG –Deep Learning, Intelligent Systems, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Data warehousing, and Data Mining, Embedded Systems, Database Management Systems, Distributed Operating Systems, Advanced Database Technologies, Enterprise Resource Planning, Decision Support Systems, Web Technologies, Digital Image Processing.
- PG-Data warehousing and Data Mining
- Membership of Professional Bodies: -ISTE
- Other Responsibilities:
- University Admissions Coordinator
- State CET Cell Scrutiny Center (3033) Coordinator
- DTE Facilitation Center (3033) Chief coordinator
- Institute Level Admission In-charge (B.Tech./M.Tech)
- Member, BOS (Information Technology) (Till 2016)
- Member, University Training and Placement Cell
- University GeM Portal Coordinator
- Member Secretary, University Technical Committee
- Member, University board of ICT.
- Member, University Library Committee
- Worked as Member, IQAC
- Member, DPC-ICT
- STTP / Technical Courses Attended:
- One week Faculty Development Program on "Software Architecture" from 29th September 2016 to 3rd October 2016 under TEQIP-II.
- Two days workshop on Introduction to Robotics, conducted by IIT, Bombay 18– 19 January 2016
- “Recent Trends in Energy Research”, by Department of Chemical Engg. and Mechanical Engg. at Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere. 7-11 December, 2015
- TEQIP,workshop on Migration to free and open source software 31/10/2015
- One week (5-day) training program on"DSP and its Applications"at CEP Cell of IIT,mumbai Duration : March 09-13, 2014
- ISTE WORKSHOP on Database Management Systems, 13th December to 23rd December, 2010, at RIT, Islampur , National Mission on Education through ICT , MHRD, Govt. of India, Organized by IIT Bombay
- AICTE- ISTE workshop on Next Generation WDM optical Network,12-19 May 2008,At Dr.BATU,Lonere.
- Induction Training Program for Engineering College Teachers,2-05-2006 to 13-05-2006,Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Tech. University lonere, TEQIP, Organized by National Institute of technical teachers’ training and research, Bhopal
- Artificial Neural Networks and their Applications,29-30 July 2006,Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Tech. University Lonere, TEQIP
- Two days National Level Workshop on multimedia Techniques,19 to 20-april-2006,Smt.Kashibai Navale College of Engineering, pune, AICTE
- PLC and SCADA Programming,3 to 8 April 2006,Prolific Systems and Technologies PVT. Ltd,Pune, TEQIP
- Developing Managerial Skills, 8-10 Dec 2005, Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Tech. University, Lonere, TEQIP.
- Personal effectiveness for institutional Development,12-14-feb 2005,Indira Institute of Management,Pune,2 days, TEQIP, organized by Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra state.
- All India Survey of Higher Education training Workshop at Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Campus, Auarangabad during 13th and 14 th November 2011.Organized by Directorate of Higher Education, Maharashtra State,Pune.
- Networking academy Programme Training at IIIT Hyderabad during 22 may 2008- 08 June 2008.
- Student welfare department ,Sports Department and NSS workshop,17-18 September 2010 ,Pune University,Pune,2 days, Higher and Technical Education Department
- Workshop on Advances in Wireless and Mobile computing,06-08 March 2010,Department of IT , Dr.BATU, Lonere, Department of IT, Dr.BATU ,Lonere
- Mission 10 X workshop ,7th to 11th March 2011,Dr.BATU,Lonere,ISTE,Wipro
- Medical cybernetics 24-05-2009 to 06-06-2009NIT, Calicut MHRD-AICTE
- One day capsule training programme ,12th may 2009,Dr.BATU,Lonere,TEQIP
- High Impact Teaching Skills Attested by Dale Carnegie and Associates Inc. Trainer,7th – 8th March 2011, Dr.BATU, Lonere, Dale Carnegie and Associates Inc. Trainer
- Research Methodologies ,26th to 30th November 2012,Dr.BATU,Lonere,TEQIP
- AICTE-FDP Nanotechnology: Opportunities and challenges ,1st to 21st june 2013,Dr.BATU
- Application security and its countermeasures, 21st march 2012,Dr.BATU
- Certified Embedded System Developer, 19-23 Feb 2009, Prolific System and technologies pvt. Ltd.
- Invited Talks in STTP/College:
- Workshop on Advances in Wireless and Mobile computing,06-08 March 2010,Department of IT , Dr.BATU, Lonere, Department of IT, Dr.BATU ,Lonere
- Workshop on Microcontroller and Embedded System,26-28/10/2007,Dr.BATU,Lonere
- Faculty development program on Software Architecture during 26 sept to 30 oct 2016-search based software engineering
- २ जुन २००९ ,सहसंचालक तंत्रशिक्षण विभागीय कार्यालय ,मुंबई यांच्या द्वारा विद्यार्थी व पालकांना मार्गदर्शन करण्यासाठी आयोजित चर्चासत्र. (Location- Dr.BATU ,Lonere Auditorium)
- 2012, सहसंचालक तंत्रशिक्षण विभागीय कार्यालय, मुंबई यांच्या द्वारा विद्यार्थी व पालकांना मार्गदर्शन करण्यासाठी आयोजित चर्चासत्र. (Location- Dr.BATU ,Lonere Conference Hall )
- Session Chair, National Symposium at Rajendra Mane College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai University 13th– 15th March 2010.
- Reviewer Committee member for 1st National conference on algorithms and intelligent Systems” RIT, Islampur 3-4 feb 2012
- Session Chair,Third National Conference on Computer, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, April 23rd - 24th, 2016
- Research paper Reviewer Committee member for National conference on algorithms and intelligent Systems” RIT,Islampur 2016
- Session Chair, 18th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, VIT University,Vellore
- One Week workshop on Artificial Intelligence (AICTE Training and learning Academy Programme) DBATU,Lonere 2 to 6 December 2019 topic :-Deep Learning
- AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Programmes Online FDP on Data Science 30th April, 2020 to 4 th May 2020 Topic:- Data Visualization
- STTP / Technical Courses Organized:
- Workshop on Advances in Wireless and Mobile computing,06-08 March 2010 at Department of IT, Dr.BATU,Lonere
- Application security and its countermeasures, 21st march 2012, Dr.BATU,Lonere
- Certified Embedded System Developer, 19-23 Feb 2009, Prolific System and technologies PVT. Ltd.
- Microcontroller and Embedded System,26-28/10/2007, Dr.BATU,Lonere
- TEQIP,Two days workshop on Migration to open source platform 1-2 April 2016
- TEQIP One Day workshop on Start - up and Entrepreneurship - a career choice” on 06/01/2017
- One day workshop on Microprocessor, Micro-controller and Embedded System 02/02/2016
- Honors and Awards:
- Gold medal in M. Tech. Computer Engineering
- Best Research paper award – Indira School of Business Studies, Pune on January 18, 2014. Title of the research paper “Comparing Research work across subject categories-Administrative challenges”
- Best Session Paper award at RIT, Islampur 3-4 February 2012. Title of the paper “Intelligent authentication using traditional textual plus image and video password algorithm”
- Best Research Paper at 2nd Springer International Conference on Computational Science and Applications -ICCSA 2019 School of Computer Engineering and Technology MIT WPU,Pune .
- Contributions in University Activities:
- Director, Dr.BATU Employee Cooperative Society.(2015-till date)
- Member, B.O.S. (Computer Engineering and IT) Dr.BATU,Lonere 2009-2011
- Member B.O.S. (IT) Dr.BATU, Lonere 22/02/2011- 2018
- Member ,Training and placement cell, Dr.BATU, Lonere
- Chief ARC coordinator, M.Tech./B.Tech. admission 2013-14 Dr.BATU,Lonere
- First Year Admission Committee-Member 2005-06
- First Year Admission Committee –Coordinator and Scrutiny officer 2006-07
- First Year Admission Committee –Coordinator and Scrutiny officer 2007-08
- ARC Chief Coordinator, B.Tech. admission 2009-till date
- 15% Konkan Quota Admission committee member 2009-10
- ARC Chief Coordinator, M.Tech. admission and direct 2nd year B.Tech. 2013-14 till date
- Sports In-charge ,Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University 15/07/2008 to 2014
- Computer System Expert for LOKSABHA ELECTION 2009
- Technical officer on behalf of Dr.BATU for All India Survey of Higher Education
- Organizing committee member IETE-International conference on Computer, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICCEEE-2013) (26h -27th December 2013)
- Organizing committee member Eleventh Maharashtra Inter-University Cultural Youth Festival Indradhanushya 2013
- Member Food arrangement committee Eleventh Maharashtra Inter-University Cultural Youth Festival Indradhanushya 2013
- Member,IQAC (2011 to 2014)
- Sahyagiri Hostel Rector (21/02/2008 to 20/ 06/09 )
- Malayagiri Hostel Rector (20/ 06/09 to 16/07/12 )
- Sports:
- University Sports In-charge ,Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University 15/07/2008 to 2014
- Team Manager in 12th Maharashtra state Inter University Sports Meet, 2008, Mahatma Phule Krushi vidyapeeth, Rahuri ,Maharashtra. (27th Nov to 1 December 2008)
- Team Manager in 13th Maharashtra state Inter University Sports Meet, 2009 Dr. B.S.K.K.vidyapeeth, Dapoli Maharashtra. (27th Nov to 1 December 2009)
- Team Manager in 14th Maharashtra state Inter University Sports Meet, 2010 Dr.P.D.K.Vidyapeeth, Akola., Maharashtra. (27th Nov to 1 December 2010)
- Team Manager in 16th Maharashtra state Inter University Sports Meet, 2012 Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University , Maharashtra. (17th to 21st January 2013) (kabbadi and Basket Ball)
- Team Manager in West Zone Interuniversity Kabbadi tournament organized by Mumbai University 2013-14