Doctoral Programs

Students are admitted to Doctoral research program as per the University guidelines. Every year 12 research fellowships for maximum period of three years are offered by the University in order to attract quality students. The research is carried out in all the Departments of University including science and humanities. Recently University has adapted NEP-2020 policy to encourage interdisciplinary research. Departments always strive to carry out research in the emerging areas with help and support of supervisors who are trained in institutes of national repute. Presently around 120 research scholars are perusing their research in main campus of the University. The University has very good infrastructure in the form of high end computational facilities, Central fabrication facility like fabrication of PCB, PCM, 3-D components and antennas etc. The University is equipped with state-of-the art laboratories in all the departments. Research journals and proceedings are easily accessible to all research scholars and research guides through the University library, in offline and online mode. The University has strong linkages with industries, institutes of national importance and research organization such as NCL, BARC, SAMEER, IITB, IITKGP, IITI, NMRL,SPPU, RFRF etc. Faculty regularly publishes their research in the journals and conferences of international repute. The University has exhibited it’s strong presence in the areas of Biomedical Signal Processing, Design of Anteenas, Crypto-currency, Geospatial technology, transcritical CO2 heat pump system, micromachining, Photochemical machining through publications.

Areas of Research
Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engg, Chemical Engineering, Petro Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Bio-medical Signal Processing and health care technologies, Image, Speech, Audio and Video Signal Processing, NLP, Cyber Security and Crypto currency, Remote Sensing and GIS, 3-D Printing, AI, ML, Data Science and Big Data Analysis, Soft computing, Cloud Computing, Artificial neural networks, VLSI Design and Technology, Biodiesel production and testing, Hydraulic jumps, Natural refrigerants, Heat Pump, PCM, Nanomaterial, Surface coating, robotics, drones, Micromachining, bio-mechanics, building energy conservation Chemical Reaction Engineering, Reactive Separation, Reactive Distillation, Reactive Chromatography