Department of Mathematics
- About Department
- Mission Vision
- Faculty Members
The Department of Mathematics came into existence in the year 1989. The Department is mainly devoted at present to impart education of Mathematics at UG level. That is why, it has taken all the various aspects into consideration while framing the course structure of Mathematics subjects at UG/Doctoral level to suit the requirements of today's Scientists, Engineers and Applied Mathematicians. To meet the end, the subjects like Engineering Mathematics I, II and III have been introduced at UG level of engineering education of our University. In this way, the first objective of the Department while framing the syllabi has been to make available much of post-calculus Mathematics needed and used by scientists and engineers, in a setting that is helpful to both engineering students and faculty. The second objective has been to establish the acquaintance of the students with various computational techniques required by scientists and engineers in order to solve the problems pertaining to physical, social, economics and biological sciences.
The Department of Mathematics strives to be recognized for excellence among academic institutions in
India and abroad through the depth of its teaching and research, and to be locally relevant through its role
in the development of the community it serves. The Department wishes to focus on providing a
comprehensive curriculum at undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. programmes, relevant to research
and career opportunities in India and abroad.
To promote teaching, research and mathematical understanding of students, and to inculcate in a student a
deep sense of analysis of all fundamental principles, concepts and practices in the specialized areas of
sciences, engineering and technology.