Building and Works Committee

Building and Works Committee

In accordance with Statutes S3.173 of the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, the Building and Works Committee of this University is constituted. The composition of the Building and Works Committee is as follows:

Sr. No. Name As per Statutes Designation Position in the Council
1 Prof. Dr. Karbhari V Kale S3.173 (1)(a) The Vice-Chancellor Chairperson
2 Shri. Praveen Sardeshmukh S3.173 (1)(b) One Nominee of the Executive Council Member
3 Yet to be nominated S3.173 (1)(b) Superintending Engineer of the Public Works Department or in-Charge of the territorial circle of PWD at the Main Centre Member
4 Shri. M.R. Namde, E.E. (PWD Division) S3.173 (1)(d) Executive Engineer of the Public Works Department or In-Charge of the territorial circle of PWD at the Main Centre Member
5 Dr. S. M. Pore S3.173 (1)(e) Head, Civil Engineering Department of the University Member
6 Yet to be nominated S3.173 (1)(f) One Regional Centre Director, nominated by Vice-Chancellor Member
7 Shri. Anil D Kulkarni S3.173 (1)(g) One eminent Architect or Civil Engineer nominated by the Vice-Chancellor Member
8 Dr. A.W. Kiwelekar S3.173 (1)(h) The Registrar (I/c) Member
9 Dr. A.W. Kiwelekar S3.173 (1)(i) The Finance Officer (I/c) Member
10 Dr. S.M. Pore S3.173 (1)(j) University Engineer (I/c) Member-Secretary