• 25 March 2025
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Research, Innovations and Extension

Research, Innovations and Extension

Research promotion policy of the university aims to sustain excellence and leadership in research and innovation. Faculty, students, and grooming researchers need to be encouraged to break new ground in research and achieve a first-of-a-kind impact in technological applications/designs/formulation of new public policies/institutional capabilities. Students will be encouraged to learn about the world through hands-on practical problem-solving projects in collaboration with fellow students in other departments and with our faculty as supervisors/mentors. Faculty and students shall be encouraged to involve in interdisciplinary/multi-disciplinary/translational research in finding scientific and technological solutions to ground challenges. The university desires to build a strong and robust research and innovation ecosystem through the following objectives:

  1. To nurture an environment of undertaking socially useful or industry-needed research with potential for commercialization.
  2. To establish research centers within the university with potential for excellence.
  3. To forge interdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships nationally and globally.
  4. To motivate faculty members for the publication of quality research work with ethics and integrity.

The DBATU FORUM OF INNOVATION INCUBATION AND ENTERPRISE was incorporated as a Section 8 company on 4th November 2019. The Corporate Identity Number of the company is (CIN NoU85300MH2019NPL332513). It will provide an ecosystem to enterprising students and immediate alumni of the university, its affiliated colleges, and other emerging technology-based businesses that would support their start-up phase and increase their likelihood of success. It will provide working space, flexible lease, common office and laboratory facilities, business guidance, mentoring, and other technical resources in a network mode at the Main Centre of the university. The Incubation Centre can host approximately six to ten clients in a proposed 5,000 square feet facility that would include a mix of office and lab space and necessary infrastructure for prototype building and legal support. The facility is owned by the university and the State of Maharashtra. The grant of Rs. 5 Cr is sanctioned by GoM for a duration of 5 years, out of which the company receives the first tranche/installment of Rs. 25 Lakh. Looking into the performance of the 2020-21 second installment of Rs. 50 lakh against the sanctioned amount will be released soon.

Our university always encourages faculty members to initiate research projects and motivates young faculty members to initiate research by providing them with academic freedom. The Ph.D. thesis evaluation system is as per the Agrawal Committee recommendations.

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