Department of Physics

- HoDs Desk
- Faculty and Staff
- About Department
- Laboratories
- Various Committees
- Research Profile
- Publications
- Alumni Profile
- Extension Activity
- Glimpses
It gives me enormous gratification to present Department of Physics. Physics is essentially an intuitive and concrete science. The study of physics is an adventure; we will find it challenging, sometimes frustrating, occasionally painful, and often richly rewarding. The laws of Physics and discoveries of Physics helps to develop practical devices like automobiles, computers, electricity generators, electronics devices, nuclear reactors, bridges, tunnels and space shuttles. Hence Physics is basis for all technological developments. None of the fronts, social, human, environmental or economic can be thought of as far as development is concerned without Physics.
The Department runs a PhD program in the highly demanded areas of Ferrites, Garnets, Meta-materials, Spintronics materials, Multiferroics and CMR nano materials. The Department also runs a course on Engineering Physics which is a part of B.Tech Programme in all branches at the first year level. The Department has set up Nano-Science Laboratory and Computer controlled 3D Physics SCADA software Lab for research purpose.

Dr. S. G. Dahotre
Head, Department of Physics

Mr. Prashant P. Pendhari
Diploma in Computer Hardware and networking Technologies
- Department of Physics is established in 1989.
- B. Tech. curriculum is designed by comparing the syllabus of other Institutes/Universities, related to real needs of Industries.
- Ph.D. programme was introduced in 2006
Vision Statement:
To create excellence in teaching, research and promote scientific temperament for global era among engineering students.
Mission Statement:
To inculcate vast understanding in scientific principles and research on sound basis for acquiring technical knowledge and skill in the students.
Departmental Laboratories:
General physics laboratory
Sr.No. | Name of the experiment | |
1 | GM Counter | Determination of Operating Voltage of GM tube |
2 | Hall Effect | Determination of Hall Coefficient |
3 | Crystal Plane | Study of crystal planes with the help of models |
4 | Band Gap Measurement | Measurement of band gap of semiconductor |
5 | Magnetron Tube | Determination of e/m of an electron |
6 | Four Probe Method | Determination of resistivity of semiconductor |
7 | Fiber Optics | Measurement of Numerical Aperture |
Computer controlled 3D Physics SCADA software Lab
Sr.No. | Name of the experiment | |
1 | Magnetic Field | Determination of magnetic field in the surrounding region of magnetic materials or objects |
2 | Electric Field | Determination of electric field in the water medium |
3 | Acoustics | Measurement of sound intensity |
4 | Mechanics | Study of oscillations |
5 | Optics | Determination of light intensity |
6 | Thermodynamics | Temperature distribution in presence of hot focus and cold focus |
Sr.No. | Name of the experiment | |
1 | Newton’s Rings | Determination of radius of curvature of Plano convex lens / wavelength of light |
2 | Wedge Shaped Film | Determination of thickness of thin wire |
3 | Half Shade Polarimeter | Determination of specific rotation of optically active material |
4 | Laser | Determination of wavelength of He-Ne laser light |
Nanotechnology Research Lab
Sr.No. | Name of the Instrument |
1 | Hot Air Oven |
2 | Muffle Furnace |
3 | System For Sample Preparation |
4 | Magnetic Stirrer |
5 | Digital Balance |
Board of Studies in Physics (BoS):
Board of Studies in Physics has been constituted for the curriculum development of UG program in Physics.
- Prof S. G. Dahotre, Professor and Head Chairman
- S. B. Ojha , Associate Professor &Head, Member
- Dr. S. N. Bhole, Assistant Professor, Member
- Dr. S. S. Potdar, Assistant Professor, Member
- Dr. K. R. Zakade, Assistant Professor, Member
Research Progress Assessment Committee (RPAC):
Research Progress Assessment Committee is constituted for the selection of Ph.D Scholars, for assessing research progress of the students, assessing Pre-Synopsis seminar, assessing examiner’s Reports and recommending the Ph.D thesis Viva-Voce Examination.
- Dr. S.G.Dahotre, Professor and Head, Chairman
- Dr.H.A.Mujawar, Professor and Head, Member
- Dr. P.B.Lokhande , Professor, Member
- Dr. Narendra S. Jadahv, Associate Professor, Member
Departmental Research Committee (DRC):
The DRC in Physics have been constituted for the admission procedure for the Ph.D Programs.
- Dr. S. G. Dahotre, Professor and Head Chairman
- Dr. H. A. Mujawar, Professor &Head, Member
- Dr. P. B. Lokande, Professor, Member
Departmental Purchase Committee (DPC):
- Dr. S.G.Dahotre, Professor and Head, Chairman
- Dr..H.A.Mujawar, Professor and Head, Member
- Dr. P.B.Lokhande , Professor, Member
Research Guide
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Specialization | Number of Students Guided |
1. | Dr. S. G. Dahotre | Professor & Head | Nanoferrites | 01-Degree awarded, 03-Pursuing |
2. | Dr. L. N. Singh | Professor & Head (Retired in June 2020) | Garnets | 08-Degree awarded, 03-Pursuing |
Research Domain
Sr. No. | Name |
1. | Nanomaterials |
2. | Ferrites and Garnets |
3. | Polymer |
4. | Spintronics |
5. | Multiferroics |
Research Facilities
Sr. No. | Name of Research Equipment |
1. | Hot Air Oven |
2. | Muffle Furnace |
3. | System for sample preparation |
4. | Magnetic Stirrer |
5. | Digital Balance |
6. | Computer Controlled 3D Physics SCADA Software |
Research Scholar
Sr. No. | Name of Research Scholar | Guide | Co-Guide | Status |
1. | S. G. Dahotre | Prof. L. N. Singh | -- | Completed |
2. | N. B. Shrivastav | Prof. L. N. Singh | -- | Completed |
3. | K.. Barhate | Prof. L. N. Singh | -- | Completed |
4. | Sandesh Jaybhaye | Prof. L. N. Singh | -- | Completed |
5. | U. V. Shinde | Prof. L. N. Singh | -- | Completed |
6. | A. R. Bhalekar | Prof. L. N. Singh | -- | Completed |
7. | F. Shaikh | Prof. L. N. Singh | -- | Completed |
8. | V. S. Shinde | Prof. S. G. Dahotre | Prof. L. N. Singh | Completed |
9. | S. D. Rajyadhyax | Prof. S. G. Dahotre | Prof. L. N. Singh | Pursuing |
10 | R.P. Gawade | Prof. S. G. Dahotre | Prof. L. N. Singh | Pursuing |
11. | S. D. Raut (Full Time) | Prof. S. G. Dahotre | Prof. L. N. Singh | Pursuing |
Sr. no | Name of the Faculty | Status of Employee | Research Publications | Citations | h-index | i-index | Books Published | Books Translated |
1. | Prof. Dr S. G. Dahotre (M.Sc. Ph.D.)Professor and Head | Regular | 14 | 43 | 3 | 2 | 03 | 03 |
2. | Dr S. N. Jadhav (M.Sc., Ph.D.) Assistant Professor | CBF | 07 | 78 | 03 | 03 | 03 | 01 |
1. | “Sugarcane waste based synthesized graphene like nanocarbon (GNC) for shock absorption application” Rohini P. Gawade, Sangeeta G. Dahotre and Shamal L. Chinke Phys. Scr.97(2022)115403 DOI: |
2. | “Microstrip Patch Antenna Simulation using Comsol Multiphysics” R. P. Gawade, S. G. Dahotre GIS Journal Page No: 1295-1303 DOI:20.18001.GSJ.2021.V8I9.21.38074 |
3 | “Structural and Magnetic Studies of CoxFe3-xO4 By Sol-gel Auto combustion Technique For Spintronics Applications” S. D. Raut, S. G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh, S. N. Jadhav GIS JournalPage No: 644-662 DOI:20.18001.GSJ.2021.V8I9.21.38018 |
4 | “Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetite and Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles by Sol-Gel Auto Combustion Technique”, S. D. Raut, S. G. Dahotre, L. N. Singh, S. N. Jadhav “International Journal of Innovation in engineering and Science ISSN- 2456-3463”, Vol 6 Number 10, 2021 http։// |
5 | , “Study on structural characterization and dielectric properties of PVA-TiO2 composite”S S More (Jadhav), R J Dhokne and S V Mohril IOSR-JAP, Volume 8, Issue 3 (3), 2016 |
6 | Dhokne, Ragini, Shital More (Jadhav), and Nilesh Pathare. "Structural and dielectric relaxation study of polyvinyl-alcohol titanium dioxide composite films." AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2104. No. 1. AIP Publishing LLC, 2019. |
7 | Shital More (Jadhav), Ragini Dhokne and Sanjiv Moharil, “Dielectric relaxation and electric modulus of polyvinyl alcohol-Zinc oxide composite films” Mater. Res. Express 4(2017) 055302 |
8 | Shital More (Jadhav), Ragini Dhokne and Sanjiv Moharil, “Structural properties and temperature dependence dielectric properties of PVA-Al2O3 composite thin films” Polym. Bull. (2017) DOI 10.1007/s00289-017-2069-0 |
9 | “Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Ba doped Bismuth Ferrite By Sol Gel Method for Cleaner Enviornment”, S. D. Rajadhax, S. G. Dahotre, U.L.Shinde, L. N. Singh “International Journal of Innovation in engineering and Science ISSN- 2456-3463” |
10 | “Comparative study of structural and magnetic properties of Ni and La substituted calcium Hexaferrite” V. S. Shinde, S. G. Dahotre Cerâmica 67 (2021) 301-307 |
11 | Study of Structural and magnetic properties of Ni substituted M-type calcium hexaferrite. V.S. Shinde, S.G. Dahotre, L.N. Singh Integrated Ferroelectrics, 213(1) 28 Feb 2021 |
12. | Comparative study of structural and magnetic properties of Al and La substituted calcium Hexaferrite. V.S. Shinde, S.G. Dahotre, L.N. Singh International Journal of Research and analytical review(IJRAR), 6(2), 569-574 |
13. | Synthesis and Characterization of Al substituted Ca hexaferrite. V.S. Shinde, S.G. Dahotre, L.N. Singh Heliyon 6 [2020] e03186, January 2020 |
14. | Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of Al-YIG nanoparticles prepared via modified sol-gel route” L.N.Singh, A.R. Bhalekar, American Institute of Physics,(AIP) 2244,050005(2020) |
15. | Synthesis and Characterization of La substituted M type Ca Hexaferrite. V.S. Shinde, S.G. Dahotre, L.N. Singh i-Manager’s Journal of Materials Science, Vol 7, Issue 2 [20-25], July-Sept.2019. |
16. | Bhalekar, A.R., Singh, L.N. Structural and Magnetic Studies of Al-Doped Y2.8 La0.2 Fe5 O12 Nanoferrites Prepared by a Sol-Gel Route. J Supercond Nov Magn 33, 1859–1870 (2020). |
17. | Bhalekar, A.R., Singh, L.N. Structural and Magnetic Studies of Aluminum Substituted YIG Nanoparticles Prepared by a Sol-Gel Route. Braz J Phys 49, 636–645 (2019). |
18. | Structural, magnetic and ESR studies of Y3AlxFe5−xO12 (0.0≤x≤1.2) nanoparticles synthesized by a sol-gel method, A.R. Bhalekar, L.N. Singh, Physica B: Condensed Matter, Volume 570, 2019, Pages 82-93, ISSN 0921-4526, ( |
19. | Aluminium substituted Yttrium Iron Garnet Nanoparticles, A.R. Bhalekar, L.N. Singh, IJSER, Volume 9(6), 284-288(2018) |
20. | EPR study of Nickel Doped Mn-Zn Ferrite Nanoparticles, L.N. Singh, F. A. Ahmed, IJSRSET, Volume 5(4):65-68 (2018) |
21. | FTIR studies of Ni Substituted Mn-Zn Ferrite Nanoparticles, F.A. Ahmed, L.N. Singh, IJSRSET, Volume 4(8):413-417 (2018) |
22. | Effect of Ni substitution on structure and magnetic properties of Mn-Zn ferrite nanoparticles, F.A. Ahmed, L.N. Singh, Journal of Materials Science and Surface Engineering, 6(4): 825-830(2018) |
23. | Morphology and geff Study of Nano Mn1-xZnxFe2O4 , S. G. Dahotre , L. N. Singh, Journal of Nanotechnology and Nano-Engineering, Volume 1, issue 3, 1-5 (2015) |
24. | Small polaron transport and magneto-resistance in Sol-gel prepared Nd0.7Sr0.3CaxMnO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) nanomanganite system. U. L Shinde, L .N .Singh ,N.B Srivastava , Physica B 452 (2014) 13-17 |
25. | Co-releted polaron transport and magnetoresistance in sol-gel prepared La0.7Sr0.3-xCaxMnO3(x=0.1,0.15,0.2) nanomangnite system. U.L. Shinde, L.N.Singh, N.B. Srivastava, IJLTEMAS Vol. III , issue V, May 2014 |
26. | Superparamgnetism and FMR study of Nano Mn-Zn Ferrite, S. G. Dahotre ,L. N. Singh, Advances in Applied Science Research, 2014, 5(1):146-149. |
27. | “Synthesis and Characterization of Nanoferrite” S.G. Dahotre , L. N. Singh, Journal of Pure Applied and Industrial Physics, Volume 3 , Issue 3, July 2013, 199-204. |
28. | “Study of Magnetic Properties of Nanostructured Mn-Zn Ferrite” S.G. Dahotre , L. N. Singh, “Archives of Physics Research “,2011,2(1):81-89 ISSNO976-0970, CODEN(USA):APRRC7. |
29. | Development of Hydrogen Electrode for Alkaline Fuel Cell-1 K. Barhate, M. Sharon, L. N. Singh, M. Sharon The Open Fuel Cells Journals, 2011,4, 30-33. |
30. | Co-releted polaron transport and metal- insulator transistor in La1-x SrxMnO3 N.B. Srivastava, L.N. Singh and C.M. Srivastava, Journal of Applied Physics105, 07D704 (2009). |
31. | Small polaron transport and colossal magneto resistance in La2/3 Ca1/3 MnO3C.M. Srivastava, N.B. Srivastava, L.N. Singh and D. Bahadur,Journal of Applied Physics105, 1 (2009). |
32. | “A study of Hydrogen adsorption by Spiral Carbon Nano Fibres synthesized from acetylene” S. Jaybhaye, Maheshwar Sharon, L. N. Singh and Madhuri Sharon. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry (SRINMC), 36:1-5(2006). |
33. | Ferromagnetic Resonance and Relaxation in LPE-grown bismuth substituted europium iron garnet films. L. N. Singh, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276 (2004)2244-2246. |
34. | Spin and magnetisation Compensation points in LPE grownY2.4Eu0.6GayFes-y012 garnet thin films.L. N. Singh and C.M.Srivastava, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 128, 42-46 (1993). |
35. | Porous Carbon from Natural Source and its use in Hydrogen Storage” S. Jaybhaye, M. Sharon, L. N. Singh, D. Sathiyamoorthy, K. Dasgupta and M. Sharon; Indian Journal the proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, India vol. LXXIX (2009). |
36. | Magnetic and Transport Properties of Al2O3+MgO substituted LCMO magnetite. L. N. Singh and U. L. Shinde Proceeding of Materials Research Society of India, AGM 2005, Pune. |
37. | Ferromagnetic Resonance Study of Mn – Zn Ferrite. L. N. Singh and S. G. Dahotre, Proceeding of Materials Research Society of India, AGM 2005, Pune. |
38. | Effect of Ion-Implantation in LPE grown Y-Eu-Ga Garnet thin films. L. N. Singh and C. M. Srivastava, Proceeding Solid State Physics Symposium vol. 33C,365 (1991). |
39. | Studies of Carbon Nanostructures Synthesized from Bitter Almond and its Hydrogen Adsorption Capacity S. V. Jaybhaye, D, Kshirsagar, L. N. Singh, M. Sharon and M. Sharon Nanostructured Materials for electronics, Energy and Environmental Applications. 371 – 376 (2010) Mac millan Publishers India Limited. |
40. | Morphology and geff study of Nano Mn1-xZnx Fe2O4.S.G. Dahotre, L.N. Singh Journal of Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering ,2015, Vol. 1, Issue 3, Page 1-5. |
41. | Superparamagnetism and FMR study of Nano Mn-Zn Ferrites. S.G. Dahotre, L.N. Singh Advances in Applied Science Research, 2014, 5(1): 146-149. |
42. | Synthesis and Characterization of Nanoferrites. S.G. Dahotre, L.N. Singh Journal of Pure Applied and Industrial Physics, Volume 3, Issue 3, July 2013. Citation 1, h index 1 |
43. | Study of Magnetic properties of Nanostructured Mn-Zn Ferrites. S.G. Dahotre, L.N. Singh Archives of Physics Research, 2011, 2(1):81-89, ISSN0976-0970, CODEN(USA):APRRC7, Citation 1, h index 1 |
Sr. no. | Name of the Alumni | Designation | Name of Institution/ Organisation |
1. | Dr S. G. Dahotre | Professor | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere |
2. | Dr N. B. Shrivastav | Professor | Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College of Arts, Science & Commerce |
3. | Dr K. Barhate | Assistant Professor | B. K. Birla Colleg, Kalyan |
4. | Dr Sandesh Jaybhaye | Assistant Professor | B. K. Birla Colleg, Kalyan |
5. | Dr U. V. Shinde | Assistant Professor, Dean R&D | K.J.Somaiya College of Engineeirng, Vidyanagar, mumabai |
6. | Dr A. R. Bhalekar | Assistant Professor | Parvatibai Genba Moze College of Engineering, Wagholi |
7. | Dr F. Shaikh | Lecturer | Fujandar Jr. College, Wahur, Mahad |
8. | Dr V. S. Shinde | Assistant Professor | K.E. S. College of Science, Nagothane |
National Science Day, Women’s Day and Workshop
Year | Extension Activity | Resource Person | Participation | Activity |
2017 | National Science Day | Dr. Sanjay Dhande | School Students | Tree plantation, Address by Chief Guest , Visit to Exhibition & Departments for School students |
2018 | International Women’s Day | Dr.Smita Lele, Registrar ICT, Mumabai | University Students, All ladies of University campus | General health Check-up, Rangoli Competition Poetry reading , act play |
2019 | National Science Day | Achyut Godbole and Mukta Manohar | Students from S. S. Nikam English Medium School and J. B. Sawant School , University Students, staff faculty | Play Reading on renowned Scientist: Galileo Galili |
2021 | International Women’s Day | Dr. Pradnya Kale, Prashali Jadhav Dighavkar | All ladies of University campus | Poetry Reading, acts etc |
2021 | Workshop (Online) | Title: “Women’s Empowerment through higher education” Porf. Lesan Azadi, Dr. Suchitra Godbole, Sayali Dubhash | Female faculties from Maharashtra region | |
2022 | National Science Day | Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor of University Prof. K. V. Kale, Prof. Ajit Kulkarni, IIT, Bombay Prof. Debdatta Ratna, NMRL, DRDO, Mumbai, | Students from S. S. Nikam English Medium School and J. B. Sawant School | Demonstration of Scientific Videos, Visit to library and computer centre, visit to university lab |
Dr. Homi Bhabha Lecture Series
Sr No | Date | Name of Speaker | Topic | Participants |
1 | 3-10-2019 | Dr Tulsiram Dr Bharti Kakad | Geomagnetism & Space Weather | University Students, Staff and Faculty |
2 | 10-10-2019 | Prof Mandar Bhanushe | Contribution of Ancient Indians to Science and Technology | |
3 | 17-10-2019 | Shri. Sudhakar Kaza | Demystifying Demonetization… The full Story | |
4 | 5-11-2019 | Prof. M. K. Sharma | 1. Management Lesson from Bhagvat Geeta 2. Comparative Assessment of Technical Education in India | |
5 | 14-11-2019 | Prof S. K. Sharma | Connecting Dots for Research and Innovation | |
6 | 30-01-2020 | Prof. P. K. Khanna | Nanotechnology: From basic to advance |

Tree Plantation

National Science Day 2019

National Science Day 2023

Dr Homi Bhabha Lecture Series 1

Dr Homi Bhabha Lecture Series 2

Dr Homi Bhabha Lecture Series 3