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Department of Civil Engineering

  • About the Department
  • Mission and Vision
  • POs and PEOs
  • PO and PSOs
  • Faculty and Staff
  • Syllabus
  • Laboratories
  • Student Achievements


Seeds sown somewhere around 2008-09 are now showing sprouts, and we are sure this will grow to become a landmark in the history of our University. It is well said that the beginning of all great things is small, and our department is not an exception. Started in 2008 with an intake of 60 students, we have, to our credit, the addition of 600+ skilled civil engineers in service to our nation. From the very first batch, we have actively pursued on and off-campus placement opportunities for our students, and it's a matter of pride that nearly all of our students have been successfully placed. Some students have opted for higher education and excelled at institutions like IITs, NITs, and State Engineering Colleges. Despite facing limitations in facilities, our department's progress has been possible due to the patience and enthusiastic cooperation of our dedicated students. They have undeniably carved a niche for themselves on our campus. The recognition as a State University will undoubtedly uplift the morale of every family member associated with the Department.

Evolution and Excellence:

In 2012, we introduced our Ph.D. program. Currently, five research scholars are actively engaged in the field of Structural Engineering and Materials. We are pleased to offer fellowships to full-time Ph.D. students under the TEQIP project. Our B. Tech. curriculum is meticulously designed, blending the requirements of the AICTE model, syllabi of other renowned universities, and the practical needs of industries in India. The department's focal point is to nurture graduates and postgraduates with robust fundamentals essential for application-oriented professionals.

Research and Support:

Over the years, our department has secured substantial funding from esteemed organizations like AICTE, UGC, TEQIP, and the State Government for a variety of research projects. We have established fundamental laboratories to cater to our curriculum requirements. Our faculty members boast a strong background in researching current issues within the discipline. Numerous students from our department have achieved success in competitive examinations such as GATE, MPSC, UPSC, and others. Several students have even pursued higher studies abroad, expanding their horizons.

Industry Interaction and Training:

Complementing our academic schedule, our students are required to undergo industrial training at the end of their second and third years during summer vacations. This practice exposes them to real-world environments in reputable industries around us. We're proud to share that organizations like PWD, WRD, ZP, and private industries have welcomed our students warmly. Additionally, our department frequently hosts workshops, training sessions, seminars, expert lectures, and conferences in emerging technological areas.

Dissemination of technical knowledge and expertise for education of students and progress of
industry, society, our country.

We aim at providing quality engineering education tuned with modern scientific and technological

Program Objectives (POs):

Goal of the Civil Engineering at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere (DBATU) is to provide students with preparation to become worthy of professional careers in the field and to be motivated for lifelong learning. All prescribed courses have definite objectives and outcomes.

Program objectives are expected qualities of engineers as under:

  1. Preparation: To prepare students to excel in various educational programmes or to succeed in industry / technical profession through further education/training;
  2. Core Competence: To provide students with a solid foundation in mathematical, scientific fundamentals required to solve real life civil engineering problems;
  3. Breadth: To train students with a breadth of scientific knowledge to comprehend, analyze, design & create novel products and solutions for real life problems;
  4. Professionalism: To inculcate in students professional/ethical attitude, effective team work skills, multidisciplinary approach and to relate engineering issues to a broader context;
  5. Learning Environment: To provide students with an academic environment of excellence, leadership, ethical guidelines and life-long learning needed for a long / productive career.

Programme  Educational Objectives (PEOs):

  1. Taking pride in their profession and have commitment to highest standards of ethical practices and related technical disciplines;
  2. Able to design various structures and systems that is safe, economical and efficient;
  3. Capable of using modern tools efficiently in all aspects of professional practices;
  4. Dealing successfully with real life civil engineering problems and achieve practical solutions based on a sound science and engineering knowledge;
  5. Shall be engage in continuous research, development and exchange of knowledge for professional development;
  6. Be honest in their control and performing their duties and promote effective use of resources through open, honest and impartial services to the public;
  7. Act in such a manner which will uphold the honour, integrity, or dignity of the engineering profession, and avoid knowingly engaging in business or professional practices of fraudulent, dishonest or unethical nature;
  8. Recognize that the lives, safety, health and welfare of the general public are dependent upon engineering, decision and practices;
  9. Continue their professional development throughout their careers and provide opportunities for their professional development.

Programme Outcomes (PO):

  1. Apply the knowledge of mathematics, basic sciences, and civil engineering to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex civil engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions.
  3. Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design of civil engineering structures that meet the specified needs.
  4. Use civil engineering research-based knowledge related to interpretation of data and provide valid conclusions.
  5. Create, select, and apply modern civil engineering and IT tools to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. Apply reasoning acquired by the civil engineering knowledge to assess societal and safety issues.
  7. Understand the impact of engineering solutions on the environment, and demonstrate the knowledge for sustainable development.
  8. Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  9. Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large.
  11. Understand the engineering and management principles and apply these to the multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Recognize the need for life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes ( PSOs )


  1. Make the students employable in engineering industries.
  2. Motivate the students for higher studies and research.
  3. Motivate the students for various competitive examinations.

Dr. S. M. Pore

Head of Department & Professor
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Dr. S. R. Bhagat

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Dr. M. S. Malandkar

Assistant Professor
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Prof.A. A. Darge

Assistant Professor
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Prof. G. A. Suryawanshi

Assistant Professor
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Prof. B. R. Lagad

Assistant Professor
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Prof. P. S. Bhatkar

Assistant Professor
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Prof. P. R. Chavan

Assistant Professor
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Supporting Staff

Mr. G. V. Jadhav

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Mr. P. H. Tembe

Laboratory Assistant

Miss A. E. Kadam

Laboratory Assistant

Sr. No. Name of the Laboratory Name of the Equipment/Instrument Lab In-charge
1 Survey Laboratory
  1. Precision Direct Reading Vernier Theodolite
  2. Dumpy Level: Telescope
  3. Telescopic Alidade
  4. Aluminium Telescopic Stand
  5. Prismatic Compass Survey Compass
  6. Clinometer Compass
  7. Tangent Clinometer
  8. Ghat Tracer
  9. Abney Level
  10. Hand Level in Wooden Box
  11. Box Sextant
  12. Nautical Sextant
  13. Substance Bar
  14. Measuring Chain as per 1" Link with 10 Arrow
  15. Measuring Steel Band Chain
  16. Line Ranger Fitted with Double Prism in Case
  17. Optical Square
  18. Optical Square prism
  19. Measuring Tapes of Fiber Strip Electronics Digital Pedometer
  20. Plane Table
  21. Plum BOB (Brass) with Thread
  22. Ranging Rod
  23. Offset Rod Painted Two Color
  24. Plan Meter
  25. Trimble M3-5 Total Station
Dr. M. S. Malandkar
2 Transportation Laboratory
  1. Thickness Gauge
  2. Length Gauge
  3. Sieves
  4. Enable Trays
  5. Scoop Hot Air Oven Laboratory
  6. Thermostatically Controlled Water Bath
  7. Film Striping Device
  8. Le Chatelier Mould
  9. Le Chatelier Water Bath
  10. C.B.R. Apparatus
  11. Dial Gauge
  12. Thermometer
  13. Marshall Stability Test Apparatus
  14. Hot Plate
Prof. B. R. Lagad
3 GeoTechnical Laboratory
  1. Direct Shear Outfit. With Microprocessor Loading Unit Electronic
  2. Shrinkage Limit Test Kit
  3. Unconfined Compression Test Apparatus
  4. Motorized Sieve Shaker With Built In Digital Timer Standard Sets Of Sieves
  5. Laboratory Permeability Apparatus
  6. Infra-Red Moisture Meter
  7. Liquid Limit Device With Counter & One Casagrande Graving Tools
  8. Plastic Limit Set Comprising Of Glass Plate
  9. Electronic Balance Capacity
  10. Laboratory Electric Oven, Thermostatically Controlled
  11. Cone Penetrometer, Semi-Automatic New Model
  12. Pycnometer
  13. Plummet Balance
  14. Compaction Test Apparatus, Manual Light Compaction
  15. Compaction Test Apparatus, Manual Heavy Compaction
  16. Weighing Balance
  17. Plate Bearing Test Apparatus
  18. Consolidation Apparatus Single Gang
Prof. G. A. Suryawanshi
4 Environmental Engineering Laboratory
  1. pH Meter
  2. Conductivity Meter
  3. Turbidity Meter Cum Nephelometer
  4. B.O.D. Incubator
  5. C.O.D. Digestion Apparatus
  6. Dissolved Oxygen Meter
  7. TDS Meter
  8. Colorimeter
  9. Jar Test Apparatus
  10. Digital Sound Level Meter
  11. Autoclave
  12. Flame Photometer
  13. Distillation Unit
  14. Air Quality Monitor
Prof.A. A. Darge
5 Concrete Technology Laboratory
  1. Flow Table Electrically Operated With Digital Counter
  2. Le Chatelier Mould
  3. Water Bath Rectangular Double Walled Inside Stainless Steel Thermostatically Controlled Temperature
  4. Gauging Trowel
  5. Spatula
  6. Tamping Bar Steel
  7. Automatic Compression Testing Machine 3000 kN
  8. Weighing Balance
  9. Thermostatically Controlled Water Both
  10. Blaine's Air Permeability Apparatus
  11. Thickness Gauge
  12. Vibrating Machine
  13. Compaction Factor Apparatus
  14. Cube Mould
  15. Cylindrical Mould
  16. Beam Mould
  17. Slump Cone Apparatus
  18. Rebound Hammer Vicat Apparatus
  19. Lateral Extensometer
  20. Heat Of Hydration Of Cement Apparatus
Dr. S. R. Bhagat
Prof. P. S. Bhatkar
6 Engineering Mechanics Laboratory
  1. Gravesand's Apparatus
  2. Bell Crank Lever Apparatus
  3. Universal Force Table
  4. Inclined Plane Set
  5. Support Reaction Setup
  6. Flywheel
  7. Simple Screw Jack
  8. Worm And Worm Wheel
  9. Single Gear Crab
  10. Double Gear Crab
Dr. S. M. Pore
Prof. P. R. Chavan
7 Engineering Hydraulics Laboratory
  1. Notch Apparatus
    1. V Notch
    2. Rectangular Notch
    3. Trapezoidal Notch
  2. Multipurpose Tilting Flume
  3. Study Charts For Selection Of Different Types Of Centrifugal Pumps And Reciprocating Pumps
  4. Centrifugal Pump Test Rig (Variable Speed)
  5. Impact Of Jet Apparatus
  6. Combined Set Up To Demonstrate Bernoulli's Theorem And Type Of Flow On Basis Of Reynold's Number
    1. Losses Due To Friction In Pipe Lines
    2. Losses Due To Pipe Fitting Sudden Enlargement And Contraction
    3. Discharge Through Venturi Meter And Orifice Meter
  7. Set Up To Demonstrate Determination Of Metacentric Height
  8. Red Wood Viscometer
Prof. P. S. Ghuge